Our absolutely wonderful person that handles a lot of our website stuff, Tamara is off on a well deserved vacation. But that does not mean her work just comes to a stop. It means that we have to learn to do some of the things that she does to keep everything moving.

Now it's been a lot to learn over the last few years how to handle all of this social media stuff. I used to just use a computer for banking, playing games, writing letters etc. Now we have blogging and posting news information and one of the most important tasks, getting the videos recorded and uploaded to Youtube.

I have only done that three times now. I forgot how many steps there are on my long list of things I have to follow to get a video uploaded. And depending upon the length of video you are sending, it can take hours.

So I appreciate what she does. And she very well deserves the break. Show your appreciation for what she does by checking out the videos. Especially the Look Back Videos and the AM Minnesota videos on the KDHL site. Don't forget a new episode of "Will Jerry Eat it?" debuts tomorrow.


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