I do enjoy seeing wildlife when I am out at the farm. I just wish they would not do quite as much damage to my crop. Late Sunday afternoon I was combining the end of one of my corn fields next to a windbreak along my neighbor's field. In the picture you can see where the deer laid down and helped themselves to some corn. I have never had time to hunt deer but I am thinking maybe I should start. These deer look well fed.

Friday evening the sun was setting and four big, fat deer walked across the yard. I assume they were does because I did not see any antlers. These deer act like they own the farm! Another time I was combining corn at night and there were three big deer standing by the auger eating corn. All the lights were on by the bin site, and the dryer was running. I drove up with the tractor and got within about 10 feet of them before they moved. They looked at me like who do you think you are? Maybe they do own the farm?

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