January 14, 2016 | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Additional Information

The Steele County Historical Society next roundtable discussion will be on Thursday, Jan. 14 beginning at 7PM.

Little Theatre of Owatonna's 50th Anniversary will be the evenings topic.

The program will be facilitate by Jerry Ganfield, a board member of the historical society and LTO supporter.

The panel will include six presenters representing onstage and backstage perspectives of theater.

Jeffrey Jackson - - director

Sharon Stark - - adminstration

Tin Van Gelder - - actor

Mary Gontarek - - select plays, also does make up and costuming

Mark Kuklok - - set production

There will be a time for the audience to share moments of their memories and stories of LTO experiences.

The gallery at the history center includes a LTO exhibit.

Steele County Historical Society members have free admission to the Roundtable discussion. Non-members admission is $2.