March 29, 2016 | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
(507) 332-2121

Additional Information

The Rice County Historical Society is offering a 90th anniversary celebration event about the history of Lonsdale. The event will be Tuesday, March 29, at 7PM at the Rice County Historical Society, 20 Second St. N.W., Faribault. Join local historian Steve Vosejpka for this program on Lonsdale history. The program will include information about early settlement, the importance of the railroad, the establishment of Lonsdale, and information about present day Lonsdale. The program also includes a treasure trove of historic Lonsdale photographs that help illustrate the town’s history.

Admission is $2 for nonmembers and free for members. Reservations are encouraged. Please contact the Rice County Historical Society at (507) 332-2121 with any questions.