What’s Your Small World Story?
The little reminders that this big ol' globe is really a pretty small place are awesome, aren't they? You're at Disney with the family, and you strike up a conversation with someone else in line, and you discover they're married to your best friends sister from back home!
I have two I want to share. One happened just a few weekends ago, and one happened a few years ago while I was living in Idaho.
A bunch of friends got together for an Iowa Brewery Tour, including Mary and Marvin from Mabel, MN. At one brewery, I was outside talking to a couple from San Diego, and it turned out the wife was from Mabel, too! In fact, they still had a house there. I introduced Mary and Marvin to the older couple and boom, instant friends. It almost took a crowbar to get the four apart so we could keep drinking beer. And that is awesome.
This is the second. It came up in my Facebook memories today. I was living in Idaho at the time, and I can't tell you the sudden uplift I felt hearing the voice of a friend from home while I was living so far away.
What's your "Small World Story"?
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