Visit ValleyFair’s Tricks and Treats Before It’s Gone
If you are looking for some fun before the spooky season is over, you should head on over to Valleyfair for Tricks and Treats, the new fall festival, and Halloween party combo.
Wait! Woah, what about Valleyscare? What Happened to Valleyscare? To be honest we don’t really know what happened aside from the fact that Valleyfair decided to have a more extravagant and family-friendly event take place instead of the haunt. This is kind of sad, especially for me because I never went to Valleyscare (because it always scared me) and now I’m kind of bummed. But Tricks and Treats does sound fun too!
What is cool is that the park is broken down into four sections: Two under tricks and two under treats.
Under the land of Tricks is Ickyville (filled with all things stinky, yucky, and slimy) and then Spooky Spires (basically like Adam’s Family and 1920s themed). Then under the land of treats is Everfall (a warm cozy fall-themed area) and then Sweet Tooth Acres (a Candyland-inspired area). Personally, for me I’m going to seek out Spooky Spires and Everfall, they both sound cool!
Not only this but each area will include entertainment, activities, and food such as silent disco (in Spooky Spires that is not so silent), game shows, live music, the Bride of Frank’s ice cream (Spooky Spires) and I Vant to Drink Your Blood (lemonade with an injection of strawberry). Don’t worry adults, you can get the alcoholic versions of some drinks too!
If this is sounding interesting to you, you should go check it out soon before it closes. Tricks and Treats is only here till Sunday, October 30th, so get going. For more information on Tricks and Treats, click here! If you want more information on Valleyfair in general, then click here!
Stay safe and have fun whether that is with the family, friends, or your partner in crime!
All information is credit to Valleyfair’s website.