Triton FFA Excel at MN State Fair
Earlier this week I was looking over the results of the Livestock Shows at the Minnesota State Fair. I noticed that Anna Ridenour from the Triton FFA exhibited the FFA Supreme Champion Goat. Over the years I have done many interviews with Anna at the Dodge County Fair and State and National FFA Conventions. It is always fun to see kids you know grow up and excel at whatever they are involved.
The Triton FFA did very well as a Chapter at the livestock shows during the Minnesota State Fair. Thank you to Triton FFA Advisor Robert Ickler for sending me the pictures and information on how successful the Triton FFA members were at the Minnesota State Fair.
Anna Ridenour was grand champion in the following:
- Market goat
- Senior showmanship
- Breeding goat
- Carcass goat
Dasmine Marquardt was the reserve grand champion carcass goat. So Triton swept the top honors in carcass goat
Chapter Honors
- Premier Chapter Goats Breeding Stock
- Reserve Champion Chapter Herdsman Goad
Then exhibitors Sam Gochnauer, Cadence Spearman and Elyssa Robinson of the Triton FFA had a great day at the Dairy Show!
- Grand Champion Milking Shorthorn
- Reserve Grand Champion Holstein
- Second Chapter Herd
- Reserve Jr. Champion Any other breed
- Junior Champion Grade Holstein
- Reserve Champion Holstein
- Champion Sr. Milking Shorthorn
- Champion Senior Showman Elyssa Robinson