The Best Chicken Salad Sandwich in Southeast Minnesota
I knew I'd enjoy my Tuesday in Zumbrota...but I had no idea I'd find a life-changing sandwich! Can you get it? Where is it? Yes and keep reading...
I don't what your plans are this weekend, but I sure hope they include a trip to Zumbrota's magical sandwich maker.
I was in Zumbrota to tell my mental health story to 7th graders (for NAMI Southeastern Minnesota). They were awesome, and paid such close attention to what I was saying. That's something I see with students. When it comes to mental health stuff, they really want the info.
I had a break for lunch, and thought, "I always eat at the Covered Bridge...what else is around?" So glad I asked a para, because she directed me to a li'l slice of heaven. Bridget's Cafe. Right downtown!
When I'm a restaurant new to me, one of my rules is to try the 'house special'. And here it's the chicken salad sandwich. Whoa. WHOAH!
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
First, looked over the menu. A nice selection of interesting options as well as traditional. I like that. My mother would call that a "well rounded menu". First, I had the shrimp bisque, which was good, tho a tich salty.
Then came the sammich. Oh. My. Goodness!
This isn't how I make it. I'm usually in a rush, tho, so I just chop up chicken, mix in some mayo, some spices, and maybe some sun flower seeds. But this sandwich has orzo, grapes (delicious, but not too juicy), gooood flavorful chicken, surprisingly good lettuce, and more. On a nice hearty bread. Om nom nom!
it's a little messy, but I love that kinda sammich, it means I have a li'll clean up to do.
So, thank you, Bridget...or Bridget's staff. That sandwich is LIT!