Gordy Kosfeld is on his way to a vacation. But he is making a stop on the way to the airport to talk to the folks at Professional Pride Realty in Northfield. He is scheduled to be talking with Todd Bornhauser and maybe others from the Northfield Chamber.
Gordy Kosfeld has AM Minnesota from the Professional Pride Realty office on Wednesday as he visits with Pete Mergens of Professional Pride Realty on the show. Also expected to stop by are members of the Northfield Chamber of Commerce. Their Fire and Ice Ball is coming up in November and there are many other events too
Tune in at 9:30AM or catch the show later on our YouTube channel...
Gordy Kosfeld will have AM Minnesota on Wednesday from Professional Pride Realty in Northfield. Pete Mergens from Professional Pride Realty and Todd Bornhauser, president of the Northfield Chamber, are expected to be the guests.
The second and fourth Wednesdays each month AM Minnesota is at Professional Pride Realty in Northfield, with Chamber news on the second week and city news makers on the fo