Soil Health Workshops
The University of Minnesota Extension Service will be sponsoring a soil health workshop in St Charles and Owatonna. The St Charles program will be on March 2, 2018 at the St Charles City Hall and the same program will be presented at the Steele County Community Center in Owatonna on Tuesday march 6, 2018. Both programs are from 12:30 to 4:00 pm. Pre-registration is not required and there is no fee or charge to attend the program.
Some of the topics include are cover crops improving your soils and how do you asses soil health? Soil Health Coordinator Ann Journey will share results of on-farm soil testing from 25 farms. UMN Extension Economist Bill Lazarus will share tools for comparing the benefits, costs, and risks of cover crop use. There will also be a farmer panel at both locations sharing their experiences with cover crops. If you would like more information contact Jake Overgaard at 507-457-6440 or email: