Turnout was extremely light in RIce County with 1,878 votes cast of 22,744 registered voters in the 16 Rice County precincts in U.S. Congressional District 1.

Final unofficial results from the county were completed at 9:31 p.m.  These will not be official until they are canvassed.

As of 1:30 a.m. Fillmore County still had 25 precincts to report their results.

Here are the totals.  Top three in Republican and D-F-L listed:

Grassroots- Legalize Cannabis Haroun McClellan    10

Legal Marijuana Now    Richard B Reisdorf               16


Brad Finstad   551  40.69%

Jeremy Munson 549  40.55%

Jennifer Carnahan  100  7.39%


Jeff Ettinger  210   50.0%

Richard Painter  78   18.57%

Sarah Brakebill-Hacke  70  16.67%

Rice County followed the trend of the rest of the Congressional District with Finstad and Munson very close on the Republican side and Ettinger running away with the DFL.

In Rice County 1,354 votes were cast in Republican primary, 498 D-F-L with 16 additional votes for other party candidates.

As of 7:00 a.m. there were 22,744 registered voters in Rice County.

As of 1:30 a.m. 34,694 people voted out of 409,909 registered voters in U.S. Congressional District 1.

Here are the results throughout the district as of approximately 1:30 a.m.

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