Rice County Public Health Director Gives Annual Report
Deb Purfeerst, Rice County Public Health/Nursing Director summarized her department's 2022 Annual Report today during a County Board Committee of the Whole meeting.
The 17 page report gives information about all five of the Public Health organizational divisions.
- Family Child Health
- Clinic and Community
- Disease Prevention & Control/Emergency Preparedness
- Home Care
- Long Term Care
At the conclusion of her presentation Purfeerst became a little emotional while she thanked her co-workers.
Commissioner Jeff Docken echoed Commissioner Galen Malecha in thanking the Public Health Department.
Purfeerst went over the funding impacts of a number of federal and state grants
She pointed out her department tries to keep the local levy usage at a minimum.
Purfeerst provided COVID-19 Pandemic Response numbers for 2022 showing 3,834 staff hours were devoted to the response compared to 10,014 hours in 2021 and 6,105 hours in 2020.
In 2022, 13,522 COVID-19 Test Kits were distributed and 2,305 COVID-19 vaccines administered.
According to the Annual Report there were 5,725 lab confirmed COVID-19 cases in 2022, 313 hospitalizations and 43 deaths.
From 2020 throught 2022 eligible pregnant women, new mothers, babies and young children were assisted in learning to eat well, get educated about nutrition, and stay healthy.
A slide during Purfeerst's presentated had a graph outlining the Calendar Year Unduplicated Participation WIC numbers.
They ranged from 2,638 in 2013 to 2,006 in 2022.
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