Minnesota Military Timeline Weekend
The Rice County Steam and Gas Engine Club will be hosting the Minnesota Military Days this weekend on their show grounds just south of Northfield on Highway three. This is the 13th Annual Minnesota Military Days. The Historic Military Timeline Weekend is organized by the World War Two Historical Re-enactment Society.
The gates are open Saturday June 4, 2022 10 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The cost is $8.00 with a Non-perishable Food Item, $10.00 without. Ages 7 to 12 years old $6.00 with kids under 7 and World War II Veterans free! Robert Clouse with the World War II Historical Re-enactment Society said they will have all kinds of World War II military equipment there including rifles and machine guns. They will of course not be using live ammunition but blanks.
In the past there were fly-bys with world War II aircraft but Robert said the really high price of fuel these days made that more difficult to arrange! Click on the link and listen to Robert discuss all the re-enactments and some of the military equipment that will be at the Rice County Steam and Gas Engine Club's show grounds this weekend. The forecast is calling for a pretty good chance of rain Saturday but sunshine on Sunday!
6 Minnesota Motorcycle Photos from the Minnesota Historical Society