[Listen] AM MN Samantha Meyer Program Director at Farmamerica
This is great news! Things are getting back to normal at Farmamerica Minnesota's Agricultural Interpretative Center located just west of Waseca. Samantha Meyer the Program Director was one of my guests on AM Minnesota today. As soon as the program was over a bus of third graders was due to arrive at Farmamerica for a school tour. They have only scheduled one a day instead of two or three but it is a step in the right direction!
Samantha also introduced two college students who were interns at Farmamerica for the summer. In addition Samantha said there was a very generous donation of $14,000 that was given to Farmamerica if they can get $14,000 to match it so they have begun a fundraising campaign. There are a number of activities for the whole family scheduled for Farmamerica this summer. Listen to today's AM Minnesota Program and stay informed on their website: farmamerica.org.
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