Mac's Bar & Grill in Mountain Iron was one of the Iron Range's oldest bars.  After 90 years of business the iconic bar closed on January 1st.

Welcome to the New Year! What an emotional end. It’s been a joy to be able to capture a glimpse into the past 90 years over the past several days. So many more Mac’s stories live in our hearts thanks to all who stopped to bid this chapter farewell.
Many ideas are stirring about on how to carry on the tradition of keeping Mac’s a gathering space and backdrop for community and celebrations. As we scroll through our memories and listen to yours we are reminded that it’s about the people, not the place. Our guests were the best part of the experience.
Follow here for updates as we know them. Sending much love to you in the New Year.
Thank you.

The bar may be closed but they are still selling logo t-shirts and keepsake merchandise for those that would like memorabilia from the Bar.  The online store had been set to shut down, but it has now been extended through 2/11/24.

We’ve extended the store to 2/11/24!
Grab yourself a colorful hoodie to preserve your memories and share in community of the original Mac’s Bar and Grill.

Access their online store.

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At the end of the year they shared this post of Facebook to announce the closure.

As of January 1st Mac’s Bar and Grill will be closed.
This year, we celebrated 90 years of this iconic business serving the community. Operating a small business in the heart of the town we love was the gift of a lifetime. We are especially grateful to those who frequented us often to support us, those who gave their time and talents freely to improve the business, and our extraordinary staff. We’ve made so many happy memories throughout the years that we will keep and hope you have too. The next step for the unique space is uncertain, but we know the potential.
Wishing you all a joyful new year!

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