The popular song says that this is the most wonderful time of the year, and there are certainly a lot of wonderful aspects, but it's also a very busy time of the year!

Every year it seems as though the to do list has grown longer and longer and yet the time within the accomplish everything seems to shrink! This year I had vowed to get my shopping done early, wrap a week ahead of time, and slow down and enjoy the holidays. But then reality hit.

Some of my shopping ideas were crushed when I discovered that the same or similar item had been purchased for the intended recipient by someone else, not feeling well kept me from running my final errands and doing my wrapping on schedule, and unexpected obligations ate up even more of my precious few moments to get everything done. In the end, I found myself rushing about Christmas Eve day to grab a few things, and wrapping all afternoon info the evening. Is this how I had planned to spend the day? Certainly not. But I have come discover time and time again, that even when things do not go according to plan, even when everything seems turned upside down and your middle name is stress, things have a way of working out. Sometimes we spend so much time worrying about insignificant things, we forget how lucky we really are.

We live in a country where we are allowed to celebrate (or not celebrate) Christmas and many other holidays, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back,  and food in the fridge, plus a job, and a car to get me here. I have friends and family who care about me, and two great dogs. Plus, I got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with family around a beautiful tree laughing and catching up Plus I received some lovely gifts.

Was each package I gave out adorned with a perfect bow? No. But, in the end, the wrapping paper and bows are tossed into the recycling and you're left with what really matters- family and friends!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

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