Federal Disaster Aid Details from FEMA on AM Minnesota
The Federal Emergency Management Agency reminds us there is just over a week left to register for federal disaster aid if you suffered losses or damage in the September severe storms and flooding.
The registration deadline is 10PM Monday, January 30.
FEMA Media Relations Specialist Carmen Rodriguez joins us at 9:30AM to go over the necessary items you need to register.
Residents of Rice, Steele, Waseca, Le Sueur, Blue Earth, Freeborn and Hennepin counties who suffered damage or loss from the September storms and flooding may be eligible for assistance. You don't know if you are eligible unless you register with FEMA.
I can't emphasize enough if you already contacted local, county or state authorities it does not matter. For federal disaster aid you must register with FEMA.
You may register for assistance by calling (800) 621-3362. Operators, including multilingual ones, are available 6AM to 10PM every day.
In an informational packet I received from FEMA, it says people need to have this information ready when they apply:
- Social Security Number (one per household)
- Address of the damaged home or apartment
- Description of the damage
- Information about insurance coverage
- Telephone number
- Mailing address
- Bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit of funds.
The last one I was a bit leery of and Rodriguez promises to explain on the show. I'm usually not happy to hand out my bank account and routing numbers, but I guess the IRS does it.
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