Faribault Youth Investment Presents Award
Becky Ford with Faribault Youth Investment announced that they presented an award to the Faribault Hockey Association for their commitment to building developmental assets in Faribault's youth.
She said that Colby Linneman of the Hockey Association said that they had gotten more than 50 new kids in the sport this year, 31 continued until the end of the season. Linnemann also said that not only to they teach hockey, but skills like setting achievement goals, teamwork, self confidence, friendship and having fun. They run a summer program in June and July. Find out more at faribault.pucksystems2.com.
Ford also said in a news release that Search Institute, based in Minneapolis, has been researching youth for more than 25 years and has discovered 40 developmental assets that you need to be successful. Any less than 20 and students are at a greater risk of failure. You can look at the 40 developmental assets at faribaultyouthinvestment.org.