Faribault Pet Parade Announces This Year’s Parade Route
Last week we learned that the Faribault Pet Parade, put on by Faribault Parks and Recreation, is still on for this year! Somethings normal that we can look forward to this summer! And now, Faribault Parks and Recreation shared the Pet Parade route and the date of the parade on their Facebook page.
The Faribault Pet Parade will take place on Thursday, August 6th at 6:30 PM. This year's parade will be a little different and it will be a "vehicle-only" parade in order to abide by state guidelines.
If you want to participate in this parade you can decorate your car like an animal or you could just load all of your pets in the car and have them wave at people watching the parade. Or I suppose you could do both! Also, if you will be participating in the parade you do still need to abide by all traffic laws.
If you want to watch the parade you "must adhere to all social distancing guidelines." After the parade, beginning at 7 PM, there will be a "kids-focused" DJ at Central Park where social distancing and crowd limitations will be enforced.
Here is the parade route for this year's Pet Parade:
Parade staging will be at the Rice County Fairgrounds starting at 6 PM. The parade begins at 6:30 PM. The parade will travel southbound on Second Avenue from the Fairgrounds exit. Then the parade will turn west onto 4th St., then turn north onto Lincoln Ave. NW, turn east onto 6th St. NW, and the parade will end at 3rd Ave. NW.