Faribault High Activities Director and Boys Basketball Coach Needed
Faribault High School is looking for a new Activities Director and a new Head Boys Basketball coach. In a news release on Twitter Tuesday it was announced that Ken Hubert, former Activities Director has agreed to take the job on an interim basis while the district looks for a new person. Hubert will begin May 14th and Duchene's last day is May 25th.
Duchene resigned from the position April 20th saying he was going to pursue another career opportunity in the school business and finance sector. In the same news release it was revealed that boys basketball Head Coach Fred Miller also notified the school he was leaving. Miller was an assistant under former Falcon Head Coach Lance Walsten when he arrived in Faribault four years ago and took the head position last season when Walsten left.
Duchene is quoted in the news release, "Coach Miller has been an important part of our basketball program for the past four years. He has a passion for the game and genuinely cares about the student athletes. We wish him all the best as he continues his coaching career."
Duchene began as the Faribault High School Activities Director in January of 2016 after Ken Hubert retired following 13 years in the position.
Applications are being accepted for both positions. Interested applicants must apply online at www.faribault.k12.mn.us.
Those interested in the Activities Director position can also contact FHS Principal Jamie Bente at jbente@faribault.k12.mn.us. The application window closes on Monday, May 7th.
The news release also says the basketball coaching position will be filled by the new Activities Director and indicates applications are for the position for the 2018-2019 school year.