Faribault Community Thanksgiving Dinner Volunteers Needed
Organizers of the Faribault Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be on our KDHL AM Minnesota program 9:30 this morning. Julie Fox and Laura McColley picked up overseeing the event a few years ago when it was in danger of not happening. Many volunteers are needed to pull it off and every year they get the necessary assistance.
There are no sign up sheets. It's amazing really. Scores of people volunteer to deliver meals which is fantastic because then everyone can receive a hot meal shortly after they request one. Food preparation occurs the week of Thanksgiving. Traditionally turkeys have been cooked on Tuesday and carved along with potato peeling and mashing Wednesday night.
We will find out if there are any changes to that schedule this year. I know they do receive donations to help defray expenses but could probably use a little help there.
I've really enjoyed peeling potatoes over the years and have lost track of when I started. I believe it was in the mid-90's.