Faribault Airport Really Nice According to Manager
Prior to tonight's Faribault CIty Council meeting Mayor Kevin Voracek signed a proclamation designating November General Aviation Appreciation Month in the city.
The Mayor read the proclamation which states in part that "general aviation and the Faribault Municipal Airport-Liz Wall Strohfus Field have an immense economic impact on the City of Faribault."
It goes on to say, "Minnesota is home to 135 public-use airports, which serve 11,972 pilots and 5,679 active general aviation aircraft. 111 fixed-base operators, 52 repair stations, 83 heliports, 13 FAA-approved pilot schools, 2,033 flight students and 2,627 flight instructors."
The proclamation also states, "general aviation in Minnesota contributes over 5.3 billion dollars" to the state's economy.
Airport Manager Gerry Serres told those in attendance since he arrived in 2000 a lot of improvements have been made at the facility.
There were 22 private hangars when he came and now there are 80 aircraft based in Faribault.
According to information on the City of Faribault website airport page an average of 51 aircraft a day used the airport from March 31, 2016 to March 31, 2017.
Serres said the movement of a grass runway to a safer location was one of the improvements.
He cited new equipment to clear the runways "much quicker" at the airport.
Serres said, "The airport is really nice and that's because the City Council, Airport Advisory Board and all the people from the city shop and Public Works Director Travis Bock have been a great team."
He added, "first and foremost everybody in Faribault can be proud because it's really nice. When you go around the state and talk to other airport officials and compare notes you realize what a great place it is to be and with that I thank you very much."
Serres said "we do get compliments all the time so the city council and city employees do a great job and can be very proud."
The Faribault Municipal Airport opened in April of 1947.