Don’t Get Fooled! What To Know About Storm Damage/Hail Damage Repair!
It hasn't even been 4 hours and I am already seeing posts from businesses looking to cash in on the hail we saw earlier today. Don't get fooled by some fly-by-night company who, inevitably will drive into town, and leave a bunch of door hangers or become rather demanding when you answer your door! Here are some tips when dealing with storm or hail damage repair from the Minnesota Better Business Bureau.
- Beware of unsolicited offers. Most scams begin with a contractor who “just happens to be in the area” and notices your roof or home has the appearance of needing repairs from the outside. Roofing scams typically increase in frequency after a powerful storm, so stay alert.
- Get your insurance company to inspect your roof. Filing a claim with your insurance company goes on your record and could affect future claims or your continued coverage. Before signing any paperwork or contracts with a roofing company, have your insurance company come out for an inspection to verify the need for repairs or replacements.
- Research roofing companies before you hire. Look at a company’s business rating on BBB.org, or Google them, many times a 'bad' business can't escape its reputation. Keep a close eye on previous reviews and any complaints other consumers might have had. This is one of the best ways to know if a roofing company is reputable or just a cover for a scam.
Often times these out-of-town businesses will descend into communities, leave behind door hangers, and notes, and will never be heard from again.
Often times this old adage rings true, "if it's too good to be true, it probably is."
You Could Own This Lakeside Resort In Tower, MN
Century-Old Iowa Home is Loaded with Fireplaces
Built in 1900, this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home is loaded with character and fireplaces. The asking price of the home, located in Grinnell, Iowa, is $399,000.
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