I have two dogs, one Golden who I've had for about 11 years, and the other a German Shepard who is just a young pup. I love them, and do what I can to make sure they have a good life. So, I can't tell you how bad I felt having to place a cone on my Golden. On Sat I noticed she was licking her leg, but didn't think too much of it. On Sunday, I caught her nibbling, and told her to stop. On Monday, when I arrived home form work, she had big sores on her leg. I was afraid of infection, so I took her to the vet. The good news is that she'll be fine! They said more then likely a bug bit got her started on the area, or what they called a "hot spot". They cleaned it up, she has to take antibiotics (which she does not like to take) and wear a cone until the area has completely healed. Knowing she will be fine reassures me, but it still breaks my heart seeing her in that cone. She just looks so sad. Obviously, this must mean that she requires extra time being petted, lots of extra treats, and maybe even a new toy!  Poor pup!

Photo: K Krage
Photo: K Krage

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