Caleb Erickson Memorial Returns to Waseca
The Caleb Erickson Memorial returns for its third year this Saturday, August 27, in Waseca. Erickson was a native of Waseca and a U.S. Marine killed in Afghanistan in 2014.
The day begins with a fun run/walk at 8AM at Clear Lake Park, which is on the southwest corner of Clear Lake. Registration begins at 7:15AM on Saturday. The fee is $30 or $25 for a veteran.
New this year will be a pulled pork sandwich meal served at the VFW in Waseca from 10AM to 1PM. The cost is $10.
Caleb's Convoy begins at 1PM starting at the Waseca Sweet-Sommers VFW Post. This year's convoy has been expanded to include four-wheeled vehicles besides cycles. The route will conclude at Woodville Cemetery in Waseca about 5PM. The price is $30 per bike or vehicle or $25 for veterans, and the price includes a free t-shirt.
The day will conclude with a graveside service at 5PM at Woodville Cemetery.
Additional information is available at the Caleb Erickson Memorial website.