Biden, Trump Win Rice County Presidential Primaries
The first Minnesota Presidential Primary since 1992 didn't have a lot of Faribault voters excited but turnout in Northfield was good for the D-F-L. Here are the countywide results according to the Minnesota Secretary of State website.
GOP- Donald J. Trump 1,428
1. Joe Biden 3,212
2. Bernie Sanders 2,853
3. Elizabeth Warren 1,484
4. Michael Bloomberg 571
5. Amy KIobuchar 391
Here are the precinct by precinct results in Faribault.
Precinct 1
GOP Donald J. Trump 82
DFL Joe Biden 147, Bernie Sanders 68, Michael Bloomberg 45, Amy Klobuchar 27
Precinct 2
GOP- Donald J. Trump 113
DFL- Joe Biden 162, Bernie Sanders 118, Michael Bloomberg 39, Amy Klobuchar 30
Precinct 3
GOP- Donald J. Trump 139
DFL- Joe Biden 190, Bernie Sanders 140, Michael Bloomberg 46, Elizabeth Warren 38, Amy Klobuchar 25
Precinct 4
GOP- Donald J. Trump 103
DFL- Joe Biden 185, Bernie Sanders 126, Michael Bloomberg 32, Elizabeth Warren 23, Amy Klobuchar 17
Northfield results by precinct.
Northfield W1 P1
GOP- Donald J. Trump 9
DFL- Bernie Sanders 466, Bernie Sanders 224, Elizabeth Warren 182
Northfield W1 P2
GOP- Donald J. Trump 67
DFL- Joe BIden 398, Bernie Sanders 215, Elizabeth Warren 188, Amy Klobuchar 65
Northfield W2 P1
GOP- Donald J. Trump Trump 51
DFL- Joe Biden 222, Bernie Sanders 126, Elizabeth Warren 19, Michael Bloomberg 32, Amy Klobuchar 24
Northfield W2 P2
GOP- Donald J Trump 60
DFL- Joe Biden 211, Bernie Sanders 133, Elizabeth Warren 71, Michael Bloomberg 32
Northfield W3 P1
GOP- Donald J. Trump 41
DFL- Joe Biden 259, Bernie Sanders 197, Elizabeth Warren 161, Amy Klobuchar 46
Northfield W4 P2
GOP- Donald J. Trump 17
DFL- Bernie Sanders 593, Elizabeth Warren 188, Joe Biden 149, Michael Bloomberg 9, Amy Klobuchar 4.
GOP- Donald J. Trump 108
DFL- Joe Biden 96, Bernie Sanders 57, Elizabeth Warren 30, Michael Bloomberg 16, Amy Klobuchar 13
GOP- Donald J. Trump 49
DFL- Joe Biden 25, Bernie Sanders 16, Michael Bloomberg 4, Elizabeth Warren 3, Amy Klobuchar 1
GOP- Donald J. Trump 24
DFL- Joe Biden 110, Bernie Sanders 50, Elizabeth Warren 31, Michael Bloomberg 8, Amy Klobuchar 7
GOP- Donald J. Trump 13
DFL- Joe Biden 12, Bernie Sanders 7
Webster Precinct 1
GOP- Donald J. Trump 25
DFL- Joe Biden 38, Bernie Sanders 17, Elizabeth Warren 16, Michael Bloomberg 6, Amy Klobuchar 2
Webster Precinct 2
GOP- Donald J. Trump 31
DFL- Joe Biden 45, Bernie Sanders 23, Michael Bloomberg 7, Amy Klobuchar 6
Forest Township
GOP- Donald J. Trump 48
DFL- Joe Biden 58, Bernie Sanders 27, Elizabeth Warren 24, Amy Klobuchar 10