According to Wikipedia, machinist Matthew Maguire proposed the holiday while he was secretary of the Central Labor Union of New York. Some say that it was Peter McGuire of the American Federation of Labor in May 1882 after witnessing a labor festival in Canada. A day was wanted to pay tribute to workers. Oregon was the first state to make it a holiday in 1887. It did not become a federal holiday until 1894. And the first Monday in September date was chosen as the observance day. Street parades were held and festivals for workers and their families. Some places still hold to those old traditions to this day.

The Labor day weekend for many years has been and is noted for big sales, especially for back-to-school items, as most schools around here, start the day after Labor Day.

The earliest it is celebrated is Sept. 1 and the latest Sept. 7.

One tradition has gone away. For many years, many people, myself included, would watch parts of the Labor Day Telethon that Jerry Lewis had for people with muscular dystrophy. Lewis was removed as host several years ago and the telethon (originally 21.5 hours, more recently down to a few hours) has been discontinued.

I hope it's a safe and enjoyable holiday for you.


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