It looks like the forecast got it right with a frost advisory this morning. About sunrise it was 33 degrees and I saw white frost on some roofs. It will be later today before you will know if the corn was burned by the low temperatures. I have seen temperatures of 28 degrees that did not affect corn. On the other hand, in the early 1990s the Father's Day frost did a lot of damage and the lowest temperature I saw was 38 degrees.

You just never know how low temperatures can affect a crop until later in the day or the next day. Even if the leaves all froze, the growing point is below the ground so it will grow back. However, the corn was being affected by the low temperatures the past few days. Corn is making progress but it looks pretty yellow and sick. The corn might be set back a bit but warm sunshine will perk it up very quickly. I am more concerned about the apple orchards in our area. If the frost killed the apple blossoms the tree will not produce apples this year.

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